Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ready or not week, here we come!

Momma tiff put it out there, put it all out there!!!I don't know if Saturday is what Nora needed, but Saturday was what I needed, for sure! Nora didn't want to talk - or deal (she was a-okay, you know)- but her therapist had her NUMMMMBBBBEERRRRRR!!! I had tipped Nora's therapist off that last week was a rough one...she gave me the option of going in with her, and then, she let me stay. And I told on Nora. Oh, yes I did...We're not EVEN avoiding the awkward stuff - OR the SUPER bad attitude. And I tried not to leave much out as far as categories of things we're cycling through because I wanted her Dr. to grasp the scope of the issue during a week like last...And Nora yawned and yawned and fiddled and played with stuff and looked the other way and pretty much, tried to act like she was a-okay (and then she'd admit maybe not).

So, Nora has homework this week - an exposure she'll have to conduct every day, away from home and have some honor system with. If she can be accountable next week about this, it will be HUGE progress! She'll be reclaiming a huge freedom back (she thinks she isn't avoiding this but oh, she is!!!) She seems to be able to grab a door handle or put her hand on her chest waaaay too easily that she isn't reteaching her brain as much as this will certainly do.

Can we all hide in a bunker and order in Chinese every day so we can cope around the not-so-pleasant side effects of battling the bully??@@@!!!! I think we'd all like to sometimes and I KNOW sometimes Nora would too!

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